Merlin's Rest

Merlin's Rest Pub, 3601 E Lake St. , Minneapolis, MN 54406

Our traditional establishment embodies the noblest of British Isles Institutions: the local pub. Historically, the public house is an abode of welcome to all who come in search of solace, sustenance, and a drop of good cheer. Free from the gaze of the television’s all-numbing eye, the conversation is king. Merriment, music and a little of Merlin's magic ease the cares of the day towards the pleasures of the evening. Whether your needs are a good meal, a glass of fine wine, a tipple of malt whiskey, or merely a pint or two and a chat with the locals, Merlins Rest Pub is your “home away from home” — just bring your heart. Gus the Bardic Troubadour will be providing his spirited mix of Traditional and Modern Irish Folk Music from 7:30-11pm!