Our traditional establishment embodies the noblest of British Isles Institutions: the local pub. Historically, the public house is an abode of welcome to all who come in search of solace, sustenance, and a drop of good cheer. Free from the gaze of the television’s all-numbing eye, the conversation is king. Merriment, music and a little of Merlin's magic ease the cares of the day towards the pleasures of the evening. Whether your needs are a good meal, a glass of fine wine, a tipple of malt whiskey, or merely a pint or two and a chat with the locals, Merlins Rest Pub is your “home away from home” — just bring your heart. Gus the Bardic Troubadour will be providing his spirited mix of Traditional and Modern Irish Folk Music all evening, so be sure to have your requests ready!